Tuesday marked the beginning of the annual Summer Associate Real Estate Mock Transaction. This year’s theme is “Game of Summers”, modeled after one of the most popular shows among the attorneys of Bilzin Sumberg, Game of Thrones. The Summer Associates were split into teams, with Desiree and I serving as counsel for the Targeryans, who are looking to purchase a commercial real estate property from the Lannisters, represented by Leah, Jerry, and Moshe. Although Jessica Buchsbaum insists there are no winners or losers in the transaction, the summers don’t necessarily agree. A friendly rivalry can already be seen at the negotiating table.
Over the course of the summer, each side will negotiate many important documents found in a typical real estate transaction. This provides the opportunity to become familiar with the details of the transaction, which is extremely beneficial in Miami’s thriving real estate market. It also allows summers to get to know some of the members of the Real Estate group. Bryan Hawks and Adam Lustig help explain the details of the documents and some of their interesting experiences while practicing law (and provide some comedic relief), while Alexandra Lehson and Kent Koch serve as coaches for each side.
This week’s negotiations were intense, as both sides hashed out the details of a letter of intent. After lengthy deliberations, an agreement was finally reached. Although the terms of this deal seem fair, both teams are determined to get the best deal for their client and “win” The Game of Summers.