Desk, files, pen, calculatorI can’t believe we’re already diving into week 3! It feels like just yesterday I was sitting in computer training and now I’m about to start my 5th assignment. The summer is a short period of time but the firm really does try to give us a very holistic picture of what life as an associate at Bilzin Sumberg is like. As I reflect on my time here thus far, I realize I’ve already encountered some challenges balancing assignments and social events. At the time, having to balance assignments and events seemed stressful but I quickly realized this is what attorneys are always aiming for… “work-life” balancing is real and definitely a learned skill.

So, far none of us have had to miss events due to impending deadlines and I think that is a great reflection of the time management abilities of my talented colleagues. All 7 of us have very different working styles, but one thing we do share in common as Jenny says is that we all  “live by our calendars.” But sometimes even with an organized calendar, things don’t go as planned. For example, earlier this week as I was preparing to submit an assignment due on close of business day, another assignment due later on in the week suddenly became urgent. I switched gears and finished the assignment due immediately and thankfully was still able to submit the other assignment on time. That sort of adaptability and flexibility will also be necessary later on when I become a junior associate and I’m glad my summer experience is preparing me for those future situations.

It’s not only about balancing assignments themselves but also about balancing assignments with social events. I think as a summer associate it is important to complete assignments and get a feel for different practice areas but it is also just as important to meet the attorneys at the firm. That’s why social events are so crucial–I plan on not missing any this summer (plus it helps that they all look super fun)! We received a detailed calendar of our events on the first day of orientation and therefore my strategy when balancing work involves a lot of planning ahead. I try to estimate how much time certain assignments will take (with some room for the unexpected) so that I’m hopefully never faced with choosing between meeting a deadline and attending an event. So far this has worked out well for me and I’m sure my future self will be glad I practiced this early on in my career. By staying organized and planning ahead I hope to be able to maximize my time as a summer associate and seize the summer!