About two weeks before beginning our summer program, each Summer Associate was assigned an attorney mentor. I was very fortunate to be paired up with Wendy Polit, a fourth year associate in Bilzin Sumberg’s Litigation department. Not only is Wendy an incredibly talented attorney, but because she worked at Bilzin Sumberg
mentor selection
Good Pairings: Not Just for Wine!

By Jessica Buchsbaum on
Posted in Mentoring, Summer Planning
In my previous post, I discussed the importance of a good summer associate mentoring relationship – if we get this right, the summer is much easier for us and for the summer associates.
Without further ado, we are pleased to announce that our summer associate mentors have been fully assigned. Each mentor will be reaching out to his/her mentee in advance of the summer to become acquainted.
In future posts, I expect that you’ll hear from the summer class about their mentor relationships.
Keep reading to learn more about the mentor program and mentor selection process. . .
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