Bilzin Sumberg provides opportunities to work together to benefit charitable organizations in South Florida and beyond. The firm’s strong commitment to the community has constantly been conveyed. This past Friday, our summer associate class took a break from assignments and volunteered at Feeding South Florida (FSF). FSF is the sole Feeding America food bank serving Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties; they have the largest service area in the state, serving 25% of the state’s food insecure population and rescuing 46 million pounds of food per year.
Once we arrived to the sorting warehouse, we had orientation and got separated into 4 groups: inspectors, runners, sorters, and builders. The Bilzin Sumberg volunteers were inspectors, managing three tables in the inspection room. We examined the donated food, threw out unusable food, and called for a runner to bring our inspected box to the sorters, who classified food into categories. Lastly, we were provided with the number of meals we helped provide to families in need of food assistance that day, which was—drum roll, please—a whopping 35,000 meals.
To finish up another amazing week, Eric Singer invited the summer associates to go sailing together on Saturday. During the trip, we saw the beautiful Miami skyline and the historical houses of Stiltsville. His sailboat is great, the Miami views are great, but Eric is even greater for thinking to include us! Thanks again, Eric!