This year marks the thirteenth year of the Mock Real Estate Transaction at Bilzin Sumberg. But unlike in years past, the Summer Associates and I were not huddled in a large conference room, talking strategy. Instead, we were grouped in Zoom breakout rooms, fleshing out what was most important to the client and how to negotiate our way there while avoiding awkward Zoom silences. The quarantine-appropriate theme for the Mock Transaction is based on Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness.
The Mock Real Estate Transaction provides a hands-on opportunity for summer associates to learn more about real estate transactions and draft relevant documents such as a Letter of Intent, a Contract, and a Closing Statement. To start, Adam Lustig, the Real Estate Practice Group leader, began the virtual meeting with an overview of the multiple phases for a real estate transaction. Real Estate Partner Phillip Sosnow co-hosted the virtual session and dived into a number of details that we would find useful during negotiations as we advocate for our respective clients.
As we were learning the facts of the Mock Transaction via PowerPoint slide, the other Summer Associates and I were surprised to see a video starring Carole Baskin, Founder and CEO of Big Cat Rescue. Carole welcomed the summer associates to Bilzin Sumberg and wished the summer associates luck on the Tiger themed mock transaction. Everyone was star-struck and of course, grateful to Jessica for organizing the cameo.
Over the next two weeks, we will have the opportunity to meet with our Mock Transaction Advisors, Alexandra Lehson and L. Kent Koch, to create strategies for the negotiation sessions. We are all looking forward to learning more about the Real Estate practice at Bilzin Sumberg– let’s just hope that the negotiations don’t bring out anyone’s catty side!