I must confess: while I enjoyed my 2L year, I have been counting down the days until the start of my second summer at Bilzin Sumberg. Last summer was an incredible experience, and throughout the school year I found myself missing the wonderful people I had worked with and wondering about the fascinating projects
Hello, Summer!

Today, we are excited to kick off our summer associate program!
This summer looks a little different than previous summers but we are excited for a hybrid program…
The Summer is (Virtually) Here!!

Today, we are excited to kick off our virtual summer associate program!
This summer looks a little different than previous summers but, we know the Bilzin Sumberg culture transcends our physical office. The summer associates can expect a great balance of substantive work, training,…
A Warm Welcome!
After a week full of fun and informative orientation sessions, the Summer Associates are ready to delve into our assignments! However, I first wanted to reflect back on our first week at the firm. As Summer Associates, a…
Law Students & Sun! Summer Has Begun!

We are so excited to welcome our 2018 Summer Associates. I wanted to take a moment to officially introduce them on the blog. Right after orientation, they will be sharing the next nine weeks with you…
It’s Great to be Back!
As one of the two Summer Associates returning to Bilzin Sumberg for a second summer, I have the honor of writing the first blog post! While I was participating in the recruitment process, I used the blog to get an idea of what the summer program here is like. As a two-time summer associate, I am happy to help spread the word about the great summer program here at Bilzin Sumberg.
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Summer Days. . .

Yesterday, we welcomed the 2017 Summer Associates (and bloggers!) to Bilzin Sumberg. I’m excited to welcome back Hannah and Lauren and introduce to you Alex, Forrest, Eric and Luis. Throughout the course of the summer, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from them about their experience at Bilzin Sumberg – from work assignments, tag…
No First Day Jitters Here!
Monday was a very special day for Jessica, Brendan, Anthony and me, as it marked the very first day of our legal careers! After spending the first half of our summer vigorously studying for the Florida Bar Examination, we each enjoyed well-deserved breaks afterwards. With two months of world traveling, beach-going, and catching up…
Summer Associates Tagging-Along
The very first day of orientation, the summer associates were introduced to the concept of tag alongs. Bilzin Sumberg provides opportunities for us to shadow experienced attorneys as they interact with clients, learning by observing. We were asked to rank practice groups in order of personal interest, allowing Jessica Buchsbaum to assign the experiences in order of priority as they arise.
I don’t think any of us were expecting the number and variety of tag alongs we’ve experienced in just the first two and a half weeks of the summer. All seven summer associates have had opportunities to observe associates and partners “in action,” interacting with their clients on pressing matters. So far, our group has tagged-along with the Corporate & Tax, Litigation, Land Development & Government Relations, Business Finance & Restructuring, and Real Estate practice groups.
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The “Summer-Associate Seven”
The “freshman fifteen” is a staple of any memorable college experience. You’re living out of the house for the first time, and the amount of fat in the one dish you know how to “cook” is surpassed only by its MSG content. You’re just a swipe away from the dining hall’s endless array of every fried dish you can possibly imagine, and you’re the only one stopping yourself from indulging in that second, third, or even fourth dessert.
As we end our first week at Bilzin Sumberg, my fellow summer associates and I have encountered similar gluttonous temptations. Thursday and Friday mornings’ legal writing seminars were accompanied by breakfast spreads that could’ve fed a summer class twice our size. Thursday evening’s library happy hour included a plethora of delicious finger foods and beverages, both of the adult and non-adult varieties. Finally, Friday afternoon’s bakeoff featured desserts that would’ve impressed Gordon Ramsay, and I’m not just saying that because Jessica Buchsbaum was a star competitor.Continue Reading The “Summer-Associate Seven”