This past Friday, our summer associate class spent the morning sorting through boxes of food that were donated in order to help feed hungry people across South Florida. Except for a few mishaps, our morning at Feeding South Florida was both exciting and fulfilling. The Bilzin Sumberg crew was, of course, a food-sorting force to be reckoned with.
Between Claudia’s insistence upon trying on all of the donated clothes, Jenny’s taste-testing of potentially expired food, Lauren and Hannah’s nonstop bickering, Elise’s constant wandering of the facilities, Jessica’s fear of bananas, and Frankie’s fear of Elise (understandably), our unlikely team of volunteers made a surprisingly beneficial impact.
After the community service event, we enjoyed lunch at Yardhouse in nearby Gulfstream Park and were fortunate enough to be given the rest of the day off. Friday was quite the memorable way to end our second-to-last week at Bilzin Sumberg; I’m sure none of us will forget it any time soon.