We’ve wrapped up the 2018 Academy for Professional Development and we hope it was an experience that will resonate with the first year associates! They were exposed to substantive areas of practice and professional skills, community needs and clients. We were able to cap off an amazing Academy program with a motivational speech by Alonzo Mourning of the Mourning Family Foundation. He spent time talking to our lawyers about the Power of One and how each of them has the ability to make a positive change in our community.
While Zo was a powerful speaker and so gracious with his time, the highlight of the day was a private swearing in ceremony for our first year associates and their loved ones, presided over by Judge Michael Hanzman, with a celebratory lunch following. It was a nice opportunity to reflect on all that we accomplished during the program and celebrate our first year associates’ matriculation into practicing attorneys at the firm. We hope we’ve equipped them in a way that will make their transition easier! We are excited to see what they do as lawyers and members of this community.