They were not kidding when they said our lunch plans will fill up quickly this summer! I have had the opportunity to get to know so many wonderful people during the lunch hour (while also exploring the great cuisine Brickell has to offer). One of the first invitations I received was for a “Ladies Lunch” and I became very curious as to what exactly this was. I soon learned that every so often the women at the firm go out as a group for lunch and that this has become a sort of tradition.
Although there has been an increased emphasis on diversity and inclusion within the legal field, the area is still one of the least diverse professions. Women make up roughly 38% of the legal profession overall; however, that statistic drops for the higher level positions in private practice. There are several studies that highlight the benefits of diversity in the work place. Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians while those in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely. In addition to these financial benefits, efforts to embrace diversity can attribute to greater retention and morale.
This is why I was so pleased not only to be invited to the Ladies Lunch, but to know that such opportunities exist at Bilzin Sumberg. It was encouraging to get to know women from a variety of practice areas with varying years of experience.
I am also looking forward to the LGBTQ Pride Month Reception that will be taking place here at Bilzin Sumberg later this month. This is a great opportunity to learn more about changes in the judicial system that relate to the LGBTQ community and I am sure the event will foster a great conversation on the topic.
Inclusion, in all forms, can have a tangible effect on financial return and firm morale. And, I appreciate when diversity is actively promoted as we strive for broader inclusion in the legal profession.