Last Friday, the summer associates (with special guest and renowned former summer associate blogger, Mike Levine) participated in a Community Service Project Day by assisting with The Virginia Key Restoration Project hosted by Citizens for a Better South Florida, a service learning program to restore the endangered coastal ecosystem on Virginia Key. This project began after Hurricane Andrew ravaged the landscape in Virginia Key in 1992. Summer associates from South Florida firms participated in the event as well. Our group helped to propagate native plants in Virginia Key’s nursery, while others helped with clean-up of the coastline, or worked to remove invasive and exotic plant species. As always, Jessica Buchsbaum came prepared with water bottles, Gatorade, snack bars, fresh oranges, special-edition wet wipes, bug spray, gardening gloves, and sunscreen. Afterwards, we were led on a nature walk to learn more about the various ecosystems in the area. During the nature walk, we were able to see what the seedlings that we planted will eventually grow to become. At the end of the day, there was delicious barbeque food catered by Shorty’s BBQ!
It was a great experience to work together outside of the office and get involved with the restoration and maintenance of such a valuable and beautiful natural area in Miami. From day one, the employees of Bilzin Sumberg have emphasized the importance of being actively involved in the community through the Bilzin Sumberg Cares initiative, and Friday was yet another example of the firm’s commitment to giving back and serving the Miami-Dade community.
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